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What Level Gymnast Is Simone Biles?

Within the arena of gymnastics, names come and go, but some have proven their mettle to such an extent that they are engraved in the annals of the sport forever. One such name is Simone Biles, a force to reckon with, whose proficiency has marked a new epoch in the history of gymnastics. However, many people often wonder what level of gymnast Simone Biles is. In this article, we will delve into the details and explore the level of gymnastics expertise that Simone Biles has attained throughout her remarkable career.

The Journey of Simone Biles: From a Novice to an Elite Gymnast

Simone Biles was born on March 14, 1997, in Columbus, Ohio. Simone began training at Bannon’s Gymnastix at the age of six, two years later than many of her peers. Despite this, her dedication, coupled with an innate talent for the sport, helped her rise rapidly through the ranks.

As a junior gymnast, she quickly distinguished herself, winning various competitions at the state and regional levels. In 2011, she made her debut at the American Classic in Houston and placed third all-around. However, it was her 2012 performance at the American Classic in Huntsville, where she placed first all-around, that really set her career in motion.

In 2013, Biles began her senior elite career at the American Cup, a prestigious international competition, where she placed second. She went on to compete in the City of Jesolo Trophy in Italy, where she won the all-around title. Her successes that year also included the U.S. National Championships and the World Championships, where she won the all-around gold medal. This made her the seventh American woman and the first African-American to win the all-around title at the World Championships.

After her rapid rise in 2013, Biles continued to dominate the gymnastics world. By the time she competed in her first Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, she was considered one of the best gymnasts in the world. At the Rio Olympics, Biles led the U.S. team to a gold medal in the team event, and she also won individual gold medals in the all-around, vault, and floor exercise events, as well as a bronze medal on the balance beam.

Thus, Simone Biles became a Senior International Elite gymnast through a combination of talent, determination, and hard work, as well as the guidance and support of her coaches and family. Her journey is a testament to the importance of dedication and perseverance in achieving one’s dreams. Here are some of the highlights from her career:

  1. Olympic Success: Simone Biles has won a total of 19 Olympic and World Championship medals, including 4 Olympic gold medals. She played a significant role in leading the United States women’s gymnastics team to victory in the 2016 Rio Olympics.
  2. World Championships: Biles has been an unstoppable force at the World Championships. She has won a record-breaking 25 medals at the event, including a staggering 19 gold medals.
  3. Unprecedented Skills: Biles is known for pushing the boundaries of gymnastics by performing incredibly difficult and groundbreaking skills. She has successfully executed moves that were previously thought to be impossible, such as the triple-double on floor exercise and the Yurchenko double pike on vault.
  4. Dominance in All-Around: Biles has showcased her versatility by dominating the all-around competitions. She has won the all-around gold medal at the World Championships a record-breaking five times (2013, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019).
  5. Exceptional Vaulting: Biles’ vaulting skills are unmatched. She has introduced and perfected several difficult vaults, including the Cheng and the Amanar, which have significantly contributed to her success.
  6. Impact on the Sport: Biles’ influence extends beyond her own performances. She has inspired a new generation of gymnasts with her extraordinary skills and determination, elevating the level of competition in the sport.

Her dominance in the sport is attributed to her mastery of gymnastic basics, her incredible athletic ability, power, and a low center of gravity due to her 4 foot 8 frame. These attributes have led to her becoming one of the most decorated female gymnasts in world championships history.

The Framework of Elite Gymnastics

Simone Biles is classified as a “Senior International Elite” gymnast. This is the highest level in gymnastics, and it includes athletes who compete at the international level, such as in the Olympics or World Championships. To fully comprehend this level, it’s imperative to first understand the structure of gymnastics.

The gymnastics spectrum ranges from Level 1 (introductory) to Level 10 (advanced). Upon surpassing Level 10, athletes transition into the “Elite” level, which comprises two categories: Junior International Elite (ages 11-15) and Senior International Elite (ages 16 and above).

Senior refers to the age category. In women’s gymnastics, gymnasts are considered “seniors” starting in the year they turn 16. For men’s gymnastics, it’s generally the year they turn 18. International Elite level gymnasts perform routines that are at the highest level of difficulty and complexity. The skill level required for this category is extremely high, and only the most advanced gymnasts compete at this level.

The Path to the Senior International Elite Level

Becoming a Senior International Elite level gymnast is a rigorous and challenging journey that takes many years of hard work and dedication. The path to the Senior International Elite level generally involves progressing through the Junior Olympic levels (1-10), then advancing through the Junior Elite level, before finally reaching the Senior Elite level.

  1. Beginner Levels: Gymnastics training often starts at a very young age, sometimes as young as 3-4 years old. At this stage, children learn the basics of gymnastics and start to develop their flexibility, strength, and coordination.
  2. Junior Olympic Levels: In the U.S., young gymnasts typically progress through the Junior Olympic (JO) program, which is governed by USA Gymnastics. The JO program has ten levels (1-10), with level 10 being the highest. Gymnasts usually advance one level per year, but this can vary depending on individual skill and development.
  3. Optional Levels (7-10): Once they reach level 7, gymnasts start competing in optional levels, where they can choose their own routines. This is a significant step in their development as it allows them to showcase their unique strengths and abilities.
  4. Elite Qualification: After reaching level 10, gymnasts can aim for the Elite level. To qualify, they must pass through a series of tests and qualifiers. These include physical ability tests (to measure strength, flexibility, and power) and technical tests (to evaluate skills on each apparatus). The exact requirements can vary depending on the country.
  5. Junior Elite Level: Gymnasts who qualify for the Elite level while still underage (typically under 16) compete as Junior Elites. They participate in national and international competitions designed for their age group.
  6. Senior International Elite Level: Once gymnasts reach the age of 16, they can compete as Senior International Elites. This is the highest level in the sport, and it includes world-class competitions such as the World Championships and the Olympic Games.
  7. Continuous Training: Even after reaching the Elite level, gymnasts must continue to train and compete regularly to maintain their skills and status. They usually aim to learn new skills and improve their routines to increase their scores in competitions.

Biles’ Signature Moves: A Testament to her Elite Status

Biles, in her years of competition, has repeatedly demonstrated her prowess and brought into play signature moves that set her apart from her peers. These moves serve as a testament to her elite status in the world of gymnastics. With her signature moves, Simone Biles has not only garnered titles and accolades but has also irrevocably altered the landscape of gymnastics. Her skills have raised the bar for future generations, inspiring aspiring gymnasts around the globe.

  1. The Biles: Unprecedented and Unparalleled

The first skill named after Simone is colloquially known as ‘The Biles‘ in the gymnastics community. Officially unveiled at the 2013 World Championships, it is an extraordinary feat in the floor exercise category. The Biles is essentially a double layout with a half twist and a blind landing, a formidable task that few dare to attempt.

  1. Biles II: A Leap Beyond the Ordinary

Next in line is the ‘Biles II‘, another floor exercise skill that was introduced at the 2019 World Championships. It consists of a triple-twisting double backflip, a spectacle of aerial acrobatics that few can rival. With the Biles II, Simone has shown her prowess in combining complex twists and flips with seamless precision.

  1. The Biles on Beam: Balancing with Grace

Biles’ expertise is not confined to the floor alone. In fact, she has a signature skill on the beam too, aptly named ‘The Biles on Beam‘. This skill, which debuted at the 2019 U.S. Championships, is a double-twisting double somersault dismount off the beam—a feat that requires exceptional balance and control.

  1. Vaulting Towards Greatness: The Biles on Vault

On the vault, Simone Biles has again set the standard. The ‘Biles on Vault‘ involves a roundoff onto the springboard, half-on onto the vault, and front double full off. Introduced at the 2018 World Championships, this move underscores Biles’ unparalleled athleticism and fearlessness.

  1. The Biles on Uneven Bars: Agility Unleashed

Biles has also etched her name into the uneven bars. Her signature move here, the ‘Biles on Uneven Bars‘, is a Weiler kip with a half turn directly into a high-flying Tkatchev. It’s a skill that demands precise timing and high-speed agility, further accentuating her comprehensive prowess.

Each of these “Biles” moves represent a very high level of difficulty, and they have helped to cement Simone Biles’ reputation as one of the greatest gymnasts of all time. When a gymnast has a move named after them, it means they were the first to perform it in a major international competition. Simone Biles is one of the few athletes to have four moves named after her.

What Makes Simone Biles’ Skills Unique?

The uniqueness of Simone Biles’ skills is a defining feature that sets her apart from her peers in gymnastics. A powerful amalgamation of athletic prowess, inventive approach, and indomitable spirit manifest in her performances, marking Biles as a true innovator in the sport. Here’s a closer look at the characteristics that make her skills unique.

  • Innovative Moves and Combinations

Biles is renowned for executing and inventing highly complex moves and combinations. Some of these moves are so unique and difficult that they bear her name in the Code of Points. Her creativity and daring in pushing the boundaries of the sport are truly unparalleled.

  • Exceptional Strength and Power

Simone Biles’ physical strength and power are extraordinary, even amongst elite gymnasts. These attributes are especially evident in her vaults and floor exercises, where she frequently performs high-difficulty moves that demand exceptional power and control.

  • Precision and Consistency

Biles consistently performs her routines with a level of precision that is nothing short of remarkable. Despite the high difficulty level of her moves, she executes them with great control, making extremely complex maneuvers look effortless.

  • Mastery of All Disciplines

Simone Biles is a true all-around gymnast, with a high degree of mastery in all four women’s gymnastics disciplines: vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise. Her versatile skill set is testament to her comprehensive approach to training and her exceptional talent.

  • Mental Fortitude

Biles’ mental toughness is a vital part of her unique skill set. The ability to maintain composure under pressure, stay focused on her routine despite distractions, and bounce back from setbacks sets her apart. This mental strength complements her physical abilities, enabling her to execute complex routines with precision and consistency.

The Global Impact of Simone Biles on Gymnastics

Simone Biles’ global impact on gymnastics extends far beyond her astounding performances and record-breaking achievements. Here are some key aspects of her influence:

Raising the Bar: Biles’ extraordinarily high-difficulty skills have shifted the landscape of what’s possible in women’s gymnastics, pushing the sport to new heights. Her peers and upcoming gymnasts now aim to match or exceed the high standards she has set.

Promoting the Sport: Biles’ fame and success have brought gymnastics to wider audiences around the world, boosting the sport’s popularity. Her incredible performances have garnered attention even from those who don’t usually follow gymnastics, thereby increasing the sport’s exposure and attracting new fans and potential athletes.

Advocacy and Activism: Biles’ courage to speak out about her experiences with sexual abuse within USA Gymnastics, and her criticism of the way the federation handled the scandal, have had a significant impact worldwide. Her advocacy has shone a spotlight on athlete welfare and the need for systemic changes within sports institutions. She has become a symbol of resilience and empowerment for many.

Mental Health Awareness: Biles has been open about her own mental health struggles and the pressure of being a high-profile athlete. By prioritizing her mental well-being, she has contributed to the broader conversation about the importance of mental health in sports and beyond. This has helped reduce stigma and increased awareness of mental health issues globally.

Inspiring Future Generations: As a woman of color, Biles’ success in a predominantly white sport has served as a beacon of inspiration for athletes of diverse backgrounds worldwide. She has shown that gymnastics can be accessible to anyone with talent, dedication, and the right support.

Redefining Athletic Success: Biles has shown that it’s not just about winning. She has taught the world that athletes can and should prioritize their well-being over medals. Her withdrawal from some events during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics to focus on her mental health was a brave decision that demonstrated the importance of mental health in sports, setting an example for athletes worldwide.

Influencing Coaching Techniques: Biles’ coaching team has always focused on keeping her training enjoyable. Her long-term coach, Aimee Boorman, and later, Cecile and Laurent Landi, have advocated for a positive and supportive coaching environment. This approach has arguably contributed to Biles’ longevity in the sport and challenges the old paradigm of tough, often harsh, coaching methods in gymnastics.


Simone Biles is not just a gymnast; she is a force of nature who has redefined the sport. With her unparalleled talent, remarkable skill set, and unwavering determination, Biles has transcended traditional levels and set new standards in gymnastics. Her mastery of complex moves, unmatched tumbling skills, superior strength and flexibility, exceptional spatial awareness, mental fortitude, and innovative approach makes her a true legend in the gymnastics world. Simone Biles continues to inspire athletes around the globe, proving that with passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment, anything is possible in the realm of gymnastics.